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Current Poll
What is your opinion on the new government healthcare policy?
We value your input. Please select one of the options below:
Strongly Support
Somewhat Support
Somewhat Oppose
Strongly Oppose
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Poll Results (Live)
Here’s how others are voting so far:
Strongly Support: 40%
Somewhat Support: 25%
Neutral: 15%
Somewhat Oppose: 10%
Strongly Oppose: 10%
Total Votes: 1,234
(Results are updated live as people vote)
Take the Survey: Have Your Say!
We’re conducting a short survey on how social media affects news consumption.
How often do you get your news from social media?
A few times a week
Once a week
What’s your preferred platform for getting news?
Other (Please specify): [Text Field]
Are you concerned about misinformation on social media?
Yes, very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not really concerned
Not concerned at all
Submit your responses
(Click to submit your answers)
Previous Polls
Should the government impose stricter gun control laws?
Strongly Support: 58%
Somewhat Support: 22%
Neutral: 10%
Somewhat Oppose: 5%
Strongly Oppose: 5%
Do you think the rise in AI technology will lead to job losses in the next decade?
Yes: 75%
No: 15%
Unsure: 10%
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You can vote once per poll/survey.
Poll results are updated in real-time.
By submitting the survey, you agree to participate in our audience research.
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